Yesterday, I ran into a friend of mine who I haven’t seen for a while. They were facing the fertility struggle. It triggered me to write this post today.
It is quite a common problem in our world now that people usually start family much later. When you research the statistics in medical world, it’s even scarier than we perceive.
I know personally people who went through the process, different variation of the treatment procedures. Many are expensive.
We had difficulties too. We scheduled a procedure trying to correct the possible problem. The doctor told us, even after the procedure the highest success rate will be closed to 50% to get pregnant. Two weeks before the schedule date, we found that I was pregnant.
We were the lucky ones!
Here is what I’ve done during that time.
First of all, a regular yoga practice, about twice a week.
Second, I went for a energy therapy. Something like reiki therapy, the practitioner tried to balance your chakras.
Third, acupuncture, explain to the doctor that the purpose of the treatment was to get pregnant. I went for 2-3 months around ovulation prior I found out I got pregnant.
All that can only work if you believe!
I remember, there was a Japanese doctor who wrote a book: Mommy, I came here for you. It was an doctor collecting stories from his experience for the young children who were still remembering prior the birth. Many also brought the messages about they were here before as a miscarriage or aborted situation. Bottom line, It is the belief of soul connection between parents and children. Different astrology, fortune tellers from different cultures also see the connection of the mother’s astrology chart fit/ connect with the child’s chart. It’s mean to be.
The strong belief that there is no way that you will miss your baby. The unbelievable sense of connections with your unborn child. In the center of your soul, you feel it.
And trust. Trust yourself, trust your partner, trust the universe.
To all that is and Let go! Breathe…